July 30, 2009

So long, girls

Today, July 30th, 2009, I put on a size 34H bra for the last time. Tomorrow morning I go to the Ak Surgery Center at 8am to have breast reduction surgery. I'm sure the procedure will go smoothly, and I totally trust my surgeon (Dr. Jana Cole). I'm a little worried about how much it's going to hurt after, but I was told it doesn't last long. I will try to at least keep people updated on Twitter...maybe I can even get Todd to post an update blog.

My family is going to help with Mason since I won't be able to lift anything for 2-3 weeks. That will be the worst part of the whole thing, I know. Hopefully it will fly by. I know I am so incredibly lucky to have such an amazing family that is so willing to help out. They're awesome! And of course Todd will take great care of me, like always.

So......wish me luck......can't wait to show off my "new" girls :)

July 27, 2009

Colorado 2009

Sorry it took so long to get these posted...enjoy!

July 12, 2009

Home again

We made it back home safely. Mason is a great traveller! He slept on both flights and adjusted to the time difference and sleeping in a different place like a champ! I'm working on getting a slideshow of our pictures...but in the meantime I thought I'd share a Duncan update.

While we were gone Duncan lost an eye. My brother (who was housesitting for us) called me when he came home from work to Duncan's eye looking like this...

He took him to our vet, who determined that the eye wasn't salvageable...so she removed it. Now he looks like this...

Actually, it looks a lot better than this already. Poor little guy. We don't know how it happened, but it looks like he was biten.