August 27, 2009

Rules are rules?

The assembly decided to allow Mark Hall's appointment to be Fire Chief. Mayor Sullivan of course said he saw no reason to change the rule about nepotism for the muni, just bend the rule for this special case (shocking).

Irony came just one day Sullivan wants to end Fill the Boot because of the rules against panhandling on Anchorage streets. So, it's ok to bend the rules for your buddy, but not so much for disabled kids once a year? Oh boy.

Gotta love politics.

August 20, 2009

Hard times for Anchorage

Unless you've been living under a rock (or you don't live in the MOA) you know that this city is facing crazy budget issues...which includes the layoffs of AFD staff. Luckily, at this point, Todd isn't at risk of losing his job, but we all know these layoffs aren't the end. 2010 is just around the corner.

Patrick Flynn wrote an interesting blog you should check out about the potential appointment of Mark Hall to Fire Chief. The assembly needs to pass a special "allowance" so this can happen because of nepotism rules...personally I hope they don't do it. I won't say much more than that because I don't want anything I say on here to negatively affect my husband (although, I should point out that this is my personal blog). Anyway, his blog is here

Next, you should check out and pass along the next blog about AFD, located here which is the AFD Status blog. You can also follow them on Twitter.

That's all for now from this AFD wife :)

August 1, 2009


Yesterday went really well. I was in a little pain when I woke up in the recovery room, but the nurses took care of that right away. The biggest thing I remember is everyone kept yelling at me to take deep breathes because my O2 sats were too low. I have a drain in each side that Todd has been checking and emptying. I slept most of yesterday, and today I've just been hanging out in bed. So far, so good. I go to the doctor on Monday to change my dressings and hopefully get my drains taken out. I can't wait to see what I look like now! I have no idea what I'll be as far as size goes, but I can already tell that I'm much smaller (even underneath all the bandages and ace wraps).

I'll keep you all updated. As far as I can tell, the anesthesia didn't affect my MS symptoms much. My hands are a little more numb than usual, but that could be from a lot of things.

I think I may go take another nap now.