October 25, 2011

As promised

I've been doing more quilting lately. Mason is such a helper.
Spending time at the fire station with dad...

...learning all the really important stuff

At the museum

Only an AK kid would get his summer pool out in the garage

He told us he needed to check his oil

Anything left in there?

Landon goofing around with his dad

Everyone carved pumpkins at my aunt's house

Mason with our pumpkins

The Best of Intentions...really

I really do mean to update this blog more than I actually do. I really mean that. But, like with most things, it gets pushed aside. The problem with putting off posting things, is that by the time I get around to posting them, well, it isn't really current information anymore.

For instance, Todd and I went to the opening night of the Anchorage Symphony...OVER A MONTH AGO! I have been meaning to go on and on about how incredible it was. That it was probably the most enjoyable ASO event we've been to in a really long time. That the pianist was breathtakingly amazing. Oh, and of course, that Randy's hair was shiny and beautiful as always.

We also took a quick weekend trip up to the cabin, also about a month ago. It was mainly to get things cleaned up and ready for the winter. We don't heat the cabin, so we have to bring back anything in the refrigerator or cupboards that will freeze and/or explode. I also changed the sheets and made sure there was a good stack of wood inside that would be nice and dry for whoever heads up there first this winter. Mason had a good time, and enjoyed playing outside even though it was definitely a lot colder than it had been on previous visits. I'm hoping we'll make it up this winter, but it's hard with a little guy. It gets so cold someone almost has to go up the night before to get the fire going and get the cabin comfortable. We'll see.

Todd and I both celebrated birthdays. Todd on 9/30, me on 10/8. We kept it pretty low key, which was fine. Next up is Mason's birthday...I can't believe I'll have a 3 year old!

This weekend Todd and I are heading down to Homer for a few days. We both realized we haven't been anywhere together, without Mason, in a REALLY long time. It will be nice to just relax and reconnect.

I promise to post picture to catch you all up, as well.

October 19, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday 25

{one} if you could go on a road trip anywhere with one person, dead or alive, 
who would it be and where would you go?
I think Mariah would be a great road trip companion. As for
where we would go, I don't really know...?

{two} if you were stranded on a desert island, which one person would you bring with you?
Well, since I took Mariah on my road trip, I guess
I'd better take my husband to the deserted island :) 

{three} what's your earliest memory?
I have a ton of memories from my early childhood, but I don't
always know where they fit chronologically. I do 
remember going to montessori school (probably age 3)
and being the angel in our Christmas play

{four} what's the best advice you've ever received?

{five} if you could have an endless supply of food, what would you get?
A personal chef

{six} would you rather be a famous musician or a famous actor?

{seven} if you could be a star athlete in any sport, which would you choose?
Soccer would be my first choice, although, ice hockey
would be pretty great, too.

{eight} if you were offered the job of u.s. president, would you take it?
No freaking way!

{nine} would you rather have the ability to fly or the ability to breathe underwater?
Breathe underwater. Definitely. 

{ten} what music are you listening to today?
I was listening to the radio in the car...it was on a country station today.

October 12, 2011

Feels like I've been here before

My EDSS is still apparently a 3 (I need it to be at least 3.5 to cross over). The study physician was actually in disbelief after getting the number back from the neurologist...in fact, he so convinced I'm worse than a 3, he wants me to come back to Chicago AGAIN in 2-3 months.

This whole experience has basically left me numb to receiving news like this, although I'd be lying if I said I wasn't extremely disappointed.

Guess I'll be coming back here in January.

Wee Bit Wednesday 24

{one} what's your dream car?
1966 Ford Mustang...well really any of the early 1964.5-68 years
would be fine with me
{two} who's your favorite musician?
Can I have only one? Lately, I've been listening to
a lot of Mumford and Sons and Zac Brown Band. I don't know 
that they are my all time favorite, but they're my
right now favorites. 
{three} what was the best job you ever had?
I'm pretty good right now, actually. 
{four} what youtube video made you laugh recently?
Other than the one's I've posted of Mason...the 
one I always love to watch is little Jessica 

{five} if you could ask God one question, what would you ask?
nothing. if i had the opportunity to even ask God a question,
 all my questions would be answered.
{six} if you won a million dollars, what would you do with it?
I don't really think I would do anything too crazy. I would
probably just call up our accountant/investor guy
and tell him to figure it out.
{seven} what's the worst movie you've ever seen?
This is another tough one. In recent memory, I 
would say Secretary. I really hated that movie.
{eight} if you could have invented one thing, what would it have been?
Anything Apple...RIP Steve Jobs. That man was a 
true revolutionary. And to think he was only
paid $1 a year :)
{nine} what's the nicest thing someone's ever done for you?
Complimented my son. Sounds crazy, but
when people say how well behaved or mannered he 
is, I take it as a personal compliment as well. I must be
doing something right.
{ten} if you had the opportunity to live one year of your life over again, which year would you choose?
Possibly the year after I graduated high school, but even then, if that
changed, I don't know if I would be where I am today.  

October 8, 2011


Here is Mason "reading" me one of his firefighter books. Yes, he's on the toilet, and yes, I'm aware that some day he will be MORTIFIED of these videos. That's what being a parent is all about, right?

October 7, 2011

We're still working on manners

Mason decided a couple of months ago that he wants to be a monkey for Halloween this year. I waited to get a costume for him until just a week ago incase he changed his mind. I should have just known better, this is my child after all, I don't think changing his mind is going to be an issue.
The little monkey with his banana basket

As soon as the monkey costume came we had to (of course) try it on and practice trick or treating. Here's a quick run down of the conversation

Mason: You open the door, Mommy.
(I pretend to open an invisible door)
Mason: Trick or treat!
Me: Oh what a cute monkey!
(I put one of his toys in his basket)
Ok, what do you say now?
Mason: Um, I need some more.

Ok, so, clearly we're still working on his manners...but it was at least honest.

And yes, for  those of you keeping track, his first Halloween was also spent in a monkey costume. He was only 11 months old and has no memory of this, obviously.
Look at that chubby little monkey!

Things that go bump in the night

Mason woke up last night from what I can only assume was a nightmare. He was crying and so disoriented, I just felt awful for him. He was trying to tell me, between his cries, something about daddy and a truck and something was gone...I really have no idea. Todd and I pieced together it must have been about him being left somewhere. Whatever it was was clearly awful for him. It was the first time in a long time that I held him and rocked him and he just let me. It was also one of those times where I'm not sure what else to do but cry a little with him.

October 5, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday 23

{one} if you could be on the cover of any magazine, which would it be?
I don't think I would like to be on any magazine cover, but
if I had to pick, I guess Martha Stewart...because
then I will have truly made it!

{two} how would you describe yourself in three words?
organized, caring, nerdy

{three} if you could have any super power, what would it be?
I would want to have the ability to teleport myself. Is that what it's
called? That would save so much flying time!

{four} what's your favorite movie quote?
"You're killing me, Smalls!"

{five} if you could go back in time 10 years and tell your younger self something, what would it be?
Well, 10 years ago I would have been just about to turn 22.
I would tell myself that it totally gets better, and to stop
drinking so darn much :)

{six} who was your first crush?
Probably Sean Kenney. He's the one that stands out in my mind

{seven} what tv show makes you laugh the loudest?

{eight} what was your first paying job?
Babysitting. First "real" paying job was at National Car Rental.

{nine} what celebrity would play you in a movie about your life?
Jennifer Garner...she's a nerdy brunette, too.

{ten} if you had to perform in the circus, what trick would you do?
Anything that would keep my far away from the clowns.