May 18, 2011

Wednesday No. 4

{one} have you ever been stuck in an elevator?
Unfortunately, yes. The elevators at the hospital
are notorious for doing this. I'm so claustrophobic, I wish
I didn't have to use them at all!

{two} have you ever ridden on an elephant?

{three} have you ever met a well known celebrity?
I met Sean Penn when he was at Humpy's once.

{four} do you have any food allergies?
Strawberries. It's terrible.

{five} do you know how to sew?
By hand? Not really. I can sew pretty well with
a machine, though I don't do it often.

{six} did you get an allowance when you were young?
Nope. We just had to do chores.

{seven} how often do you fill up your gas tank?
Maybe once a month? I don't drive much.

{eight} have you ever been stung by a jelly fish?

{nine} have you ever been robbed?
No, but once someone at work stole my favorite magnet 
that was on my locker. It said "I'm not drunk, I have MS". Oh, 
and in high school someone stole my flute.

{ten} what is the worst haircut you’ve ever had?
Probably right after high school, I wanted it cut like Faith Hill's was at the
time. Needless to say I didn't articulate this well and it looked
NOTHING like her hair! It took forever to grow out!

1 comment:

Mariah said...

At first I thought you wrote, "Oh, and in high school someone stole my future." I thought, damn that's depressing!