August 24, 2011

wee bit Wednesday 18

{one} what is your favorite breakfast food?
Club Scramble at Snow City Cafe

{two} how many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
You seriously want me to count? I cannot put that
number in black and husband reads this blog, people!

{three} city or country?

{four} what is your favorite part of your job?
Helping people. I know it sounds cheesy, 
but it's true!

{five} what is your favorite junk food to snack on?

{six} have you ever been mentioned in the newspaper?
Only if you count our engagement announcement.

{seven} do you use post-it notes?
Yes. I love post-its!

{eight} do you have freckles?
I have a few on my nose and shoulders, but they
 only show up when I've been tanning

{nine} is it okay for men to wear pink?
Of course! Pink is the new black!
(I should note here that Todd does not agree
with that statement, and does not wear pink)

{ten} when was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
I don't know about an actual letter, but I wrote a 
thank you card just this last weekend. And I 
write notes to people all the time. 

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