September 10, 2009

All the better to see you with, my dear

Mason had his eye surgery today. It was a long morning with no breakfast and no nap, but Mason was generally a pretty happy guy. The surgery itself only lasted about 20 minutes and went really well. Dr. Arnold fixed Mason's strabismus and amblyopia and now our little guys eyes and brain will work together. If you're interested in what he did you can watch a video of the procedure here .

I was able to go into the recovery room and be with Mason as he woke up. He was SO hungry he drank the pedialyte bottle the nurses gave him in seconds! Of course all the nurses kept stopping by to see the cute baby they were told was in PACU...which I have to admit, he was the cutest one around. After getting home Mason slept for about 3 hours and then had dinner. Now he's back to himself and playing with his toys before bedtime.

I know I've been pretty bad about posting updates lately...not because nothing has been going on, though. It's actually been quite the opposite! To sum up briefly, my MS flare is better (5 day course of steroids and then just being patient), Todd and I took the boat out of Whittier a few weeks ago (and survived), I've been working a lot of extra hours because of sick calls at the hospital (and taking extra Vitamin C), Mason now has FOUR teeth (the top two came in over the weekend), Todd has been working all over as rig closures continue (we're thankful that he'll keep his job though), and last weekend the weather was SO beautiful we went up to the lake to play and enjoy the last bit of summer.

I promise to get some new pics up soon!


lynn said...

Glad to hear all went well with Mason's surgery!
Did he have both eyes done?

Mariah said...

Whoa why did he need surgery?? How did I not know about this? I was wondering what your twitter stuff was about yesterday!