October 4, 2010


This is Mason's favorite saying lately..."DID IT!" He is so stinking independent! Todd and I have both learned the hard way to check what clothes are clean before just asking him what he wants to wear. Here are some examples...

Mason is in love with this beanie hat. In fact, he has been wearing it ALL DAY LONG at daycare most days. In addition to the beanie, he decided to wear his bright red jacket ("Red, James" because James is his favorite train) and his rain boots. Wow.

And here is our son, sporting a hot pink wig. I'm sure you're wondering why I have said wig (it's OK, my own husband had to ask). It's for my trial. I have to cover my hair for my follow up appointments with the blinded neurologist...and I say, why not cover my hair with a hot pink wig. Also, if I do ever get into the treatment arm of the study and lose my hair from the chemo...well, I'm prepared.

And here he is, in different rain boots, deciding exactly how to put on this onesie.


Lynn said...

He is so stinking cute!! Love the pink wig:)))

Mariah said...

This post leaves me at a loss for words...except for something along the lines of awesome.