October 10, 2010

Don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to hear...just sing, sing a song

Mason is turning into quite the little singer lately, and it's so fun to realize just how much he really does listen when I sing to him. Normally, turning the camera on means he stops doing whatever cute thing he was doing, but today I was able to catch a little of his lunch serenade on video. Enjoy!

Here is Mason's version of ABCs (he calls them ABX) and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. He also tried to blend in a little Itsy Bitsy Spider, but then started talking about his Ping Pong Pig book (in which a little pig, named Ping Pong, wants to fly, so his friends make him a trampoline).


Joann said...

LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing, is it great to keep up on how life is going in Alaska, and how quickly your little man is growing up!
Love to you all... Aunt Joann and Uncle Don

Susanne said...

He's so freakin' adorable. (@its_susanne)

Lynn said...

So cute!

Mariah's Mama said...

So cute! Love to hear little one's singing..sounds like Mason has pretty good pitch!!