February 3, 2009

Random Facts

I was "tagged" by another friend. The deal is, when you're tagged you have to post 25 things about yourself. Sort of a way to get to know each other better. So, here's my 25 things that, depending on who you are, you may or may not know about me :)

1. I am a lifelong Alaskan. In high school all I could talk about was getting out of here, so I did...and then I came back. Now, as I get older, I would like to live somewhere else (preferably somewhere with connecting road systems and 4 seasons) but don't see it happening for quite some time.

2. I need sleep. I am a very cranky person when I don't get enough sleep. Having a baby has been hard on my sleep, and I've definitely gotten better at adjusting.

3. You know how on Grey's Anatomy Meredith and Christina "dance it out"? I've been doing that for years, and not always because of anything bad. Sometimes I just get "dance fever" and will turn up the music and dance around the house.

4. One of my favorite snacks is nacho cheese Doritos with cottage cheese. Yes, together. I know it sounds awful, but just try it...you'll like it!

5. Before Mason was born, I honestly didn't know how I felt about breastfeeding, and I was not excited about doing it. I said I would give it a try. Now that I'm having to switch him to formula, I realize how much I ended up enjoying it.

6. Another thing, before Mason was born, I thought 12 weeks of maternity leave seemed like FOREVER! Now that I only have 2 weeks left, it's not long enough. That being said, I could not stay home all the time...I'll be a better mother because I go to work and have "grown up" time.

7. I wonder a lot if I made the right career move. I enjoy radiology as a field, but I'm not sure sometimes if it's the right fit. I definitely don't feel like I totally know what I'm doing all the time yet. I often think taking the easy route and being a tech in the lab would have been so much easier, even though I know I wouldn't like it as much.

8. I like even numbers. If possible, when selecting things (temperature, techniques at work, etc) I will choose even numbers.

9. I like to count things, too. I can tell you how many squeegee wipes it takes to wipe off my shower door, how many steps are in my house, how many bubbles are on my screen-saver...you get the idea. Sometimes I refer to this as my "scary counting" as it does make me a little OCD.

10. Nothing in life prepared me for motherhood. It's amazing, but I do keep waiting for that mother's intuition to kick in!

11. I cannot stand shrimp. Or lobster. This always seems to shock people.

12. My calendar is color coded. I get this from my mom. My work is red, Todd's is blue. Appointments for me are magenta, Mason's are green and birthdays are orange.

13. It drives me crazy when people type "alot". It should be two words. It also bothers me when people don't use the proper "there/their/they're" or "your/you're". Maybe I should have been an English teacher.

14. I love to cook. And I'm pretty good at it. Baking, however, not so much.

15. I also love to read. I was the kid with the flashlight in bed reading way past my bedtime.

16. Relaxing is not something that I do well. Meditating is a form of torture for me. All I end up doing is thinking about all of the things I need to do or should be doing instead of sitting around clearing my mind.

17. I'm a natural worrier.

18. This year I will turn 30. Frankly, I'd rather not talk about it.

19. I like making "to do" lists. I get this from my mom, too. It helps me remember and I also like crossing things off.

20. I can type fast. Like, really fast.

21. Of all the things I got from my mom, patience was NOT one of them. I have little patience, and can have a pretty hot temper at times. To make it worse, I usually hold it in. This is usually good at the exact moment that I'm mad because when I do say things they tend to be pretty mean (even though they are honest) so cooling off for a bit is generally best. The problem is that once I've cooled off, I'm still irritated, I just don't say anything about it.

22. My favorite movie of all time is The Wizard of Oz. I used to tell people my name was Dorothy when I was a kid.

23. I have a shoe problem. Well, I don't think it's a problem, but Todd does. I also have a purse problem (according to Todd, that is). What makes these things more of a problem is that I don't like cheap shoes or purses. Or cheap jewelry for that matter.

24. I'm not having any more babies. Period. I know, I know, never say never...but seriously, we only want one. Besides, being pregnant SUCKS!

25. It bothers me that I don't know what I believe in. I was raised Catholic, but that is definitely not it. Judaism intrigues me, and I agree with a lot of what they believe, but I just haven't figured it out yet. I don't know why it's such a big deal, but being "agnostic" just seems like such a cop-out.

Well, there's my 25 things. I'm not going to "tag" anyone else, but if you have a blog feel free to send me a link to it and I'll check out your 25. Or post your list as a comment...you know I love those comments :)


Mariah said...
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Mariah said...

I'm the same way with numbers but I like odd numbers. I'll even set my alarm to something like 6:35am just so it's not even. haha

HippieDiva said...

I'm so glad you got these done, and I have to say that I'm pretty proud of myself for knowing a great number of these about you. :-D

Mariah said...

What is it about Judaism you like? Just curous.

Mariah said...


Amanda said...

I like the idea that Jesus was just a really nice guy. I don't dispute he lived, but the whole "son of God" thing is harder to swallow. I've always been a much bigger fan of the old testament than the new :)
Also, I like that they just go off the assumption that God exists and rather than giving proofs, it's more concerned with how people relate to God.