March 29, 2010

Timing is everything

Last week I started back at the hospital. It's the position I had originally after graduating, that I gave up when I went to work for an ortho clinic I won't name here. I was pretty nervous to go back. I already know everyone, so that wasn't a problem, but I was SO afraid that I had forgotten everything I was taught because the last couple of years at the ortho clinic were filled with mindless, not-my-freaking-job tasks (filing charts, answering phones, helping the RN, filing more paperwork, etc). Anyway, just like everyone told me, it's a lot like riding a bike (even though, I should add, I'm not really that great of a bike rider, so this phrase has never really given me much comfort, but you get the point).

But of course, like with everything, the timing ended up sucking. Monday morning Todd went to get Mason out of bed only to find that he had thrown up everywhere. He continued to throw up and have diarrhea for the next three days. Poor little thing! It was his first stomach bug and I was at freaking work all day! I am officially a horrible mother. Luckily, between my dad and Todd, he was well taken care of and I came home in the afternoons to dote on him, too.

I thought it was over, he did fine until the weekend, when he continued the crazy pooping party going on in his diapers. Holy disgusting! (I'll kindly spare you the horrid details) So now I have NO IDEA what is wrong with him. My best guess, one that I came to after hearing my mom call his eye teeth "stomach teeth" enough times, is that he's getting his eye teeth and they are living up to their old wives tale name. Here's hoping it's over soon!

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