March 29, 2010

You can't stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.

I didn't think of that quote all on my's from Winnie the Pooh...but it kind of fits how I've been feeling about this whole Chicago situation.

I feel like I am seconds away from becoming "that" patient. The one that keeps calling until she gets an answer she is happy with. The one who believe to the depths of her soul that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. The one who her nurse cringes when she sees on the caller ID.

I am NOT good at waiting, but that's what I've been doing for what seems like FOREVER! I still don't know when I'm going back down to Chicago. A couple of "a couple weeks" later and here we are almost in April. Am I going in May? Dunno. July? Dunno. I don't want to keep bothering them, but seriously, it's a trek for me to get there. Not to mention expensive. And top that with the fact I have to figure out childcare because Todd will be working his usual shifts.

Just needed to vent a little. Hoping for the call soon!


Mariah said...

Nobody puts baby in a corner.

Mariah said...

And what's the verdict on when you may be there now? I saw something on Twitter.