November 14, 2011

Ice packs and hot tubs

Lately, I've been having a lot of weird MS-related symptoms. I know it isn't a flare, but it's still annoying and troublesome just the same. The biggest thing going on is sensory stuff, mainly in my right leg. The sensation is hard to explain, and it changes a lot, too. It ranges from numbness to pins and needles to cramping to burning to pressure to pain and any combination of the above. I'm actually starting to run out of words to describe it to the neurologist.

Speaking of the neurologist, I did mention this about a month ago at my last Tysabri infusion. He prescribed Cymbalta, an SSRI that is also used for fibromyalgia and other nerve pains. It seems to be helping, but of course my insurance isn't wanting to pay for it because it is technically an SSRI and there are other, cheaper anti-depressants out there. I have a letter now from the doc saying this isn't what it's only use is, but we'll see if it works or not.

Last night BOTH of my feet felt like they were ON FIRE! I ended up getting an ice pack, which seemed to help a little, at least long enough that I could fall asleep. The hot tub sounds like a great idea lately, it's been cold and snowy, but every time I get in it the heat just makes it all worse.

Ok, that's enough bitching for now. Until next time....

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