January 23, 2012

Not much new to report

Things have returned to normal around the Loy house. But, of course, things are changing, as well.

I started picking up extra hours at the imaging center. It's been good so far. They're training me on the DEXA (bone density) machine and I'm going to be working my first Saturday this weekend by myself. The UAA students also started up their spring semester, and that always adds a challenge to my days.

Todd and I are changing Mason's preschool/daycare situation. It was a LOOOOOONNNG and very hard decision to make, but I (we) really feel like it will be the best for everyone, especially Mason. He has two more weeks left at JEC and then he'll start at the Providence daycare in their preschool room. Hopefully sometime soon we'll get a chance to take Mason by there to see it and meet his new teachers so it won't be such a huge shock on his first day.

I'm going on almost 7 weeks without any MS meds. I'm not sure if things seem like they're worse because I know that or not, but hopefully everything will calm down either way. I did go by my neurologist's office today to fill out the Copaxone paperwork. Dr. Burt (Chicago study doctor) wants me to at least be on this while we wait for my insurance to respond and the Tysabri to fully get out of my system. I'm not looking forward to doing shots every day again, but hopefully it won't be for too long.

Today was 15 degrees above zero, which felt so warm after what felt like forever of 15 degrees below.

Like I said, not much new to report.

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