April 6, 2011

Like father, like son

I've been meaning to post on the latest Anchorage Symphony performance. Quite honestly, I don't have the words.

Dave Brubeck has been one of my favorite composers for many years, although, at times in high school trying to master "Take Five" he was my nemesis. He has absolutely passed on his amazing talent to his son, Chris Brubeck. A few years ago, ASO premiered Chris' piece called "Spontaneous Combustion", which he wrote for Nick Kendall (I'll get to Nick soon) and it was amazing. This time, Chris was back with Nick and ASO with "Travels in Time for Three". Amazing doesn't even begin to cover it. Seriously. Like I said, without words.

Back to Nick, or Violin Boy as he is affectionately called by myself and Mariah, or just VB for short. Any kid who ever went through Suzuki violin lessons has a tie to this kid...or at least his grandfather, who basically brought the Suzuki method to the U.S. Anyway, VB came back to Anchorage (his third (?) trip I think), this time bringing friends along for the ride. Time for Three + Chris Brubeck = me being without words (I know I've mentioned this a lot here, but I'm not sure you understand how incredibly rare it is that I find myself speechless)

Here's how I can sum up how much I loved Tf3 and this piece...I have (almost) forgotten about Randy's hair and how it still hasn't quite grown out enough. This is huge for me. HUGE!

1 comment:

Mariah said...


I guess they may have a California show sometime in the future? Hopefully it's true!