April 21, 2011


It is now 11:13pm and I am still awake. I'm not exactly sure how this happened, and I'm definitely not happy about it. For some crazy reason this happens to me sometimes, this random insomnia. I am so tired and would love nothing more than to be asleep right now....but, alas, sleep escapes me. The worst part is that the longer I'm awake, the more frustrated I am that I'm not sleeping, which just makes me even less likely to get any sleep.

Normally when this has happened in the past I just take a little Benadryl or something to help me sleep. Tonight that isn't really an option for me because Todd is at work (probably getting more sleep than I am). I suppose if there is a silver lining here it's that I don't have to work tomorrow. And, in fact, all I really have planned tomorrow is taking Mason to daycare. So now I guess my plans will me take Mason to daycare and take a nap.

Hope you all are having sweet dreams.

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