April 30, 2011

Passover/Easter Fun

We celebrated both Easter and Passover in our house this year. Actually, we mainly just celebrated that it is now SPRING!!!

Mason and I made Easter cookies. He decided that licking frosting off your fingers is the best. thing. ever.

This is the afikoman cover Mason made at daycare.  We had fun hiding it around the house for him...and he had fun searching for it. He also thought it was fun to "hide" the afikoman in his mouth.

P.S. The afikoman is a piece of matzo.

 And Nana decided to have "the kids" over to her house for egg decorating. He came home happy as a clam with a dozen colored eggs, ten colored fingers, and lots of stories to tell. The Easter Bunny also went to Nana's house this year, and, no surprise here, spoiled Mason and Landon both rotten as ever.

I love that in this picture Landon's hands are virtually spotless. This does not surprise anyone in our family. 


Lynn said...

Fun time with Nana!

Maia said...

We were treated to all kinds of JEC-learned Passover songs at a Seder I went to this year... with hand motions...