August 1, 2009


Yesterday went really well. I was in a little pain when I woke up in the recovery room, but the nurses took care of that right away. The biggest thing I remember is everyone kept yelling at me to take deep breathes because my O2 sats were too low. I have a drain in each side that Todd has been checking and emptying. I slept most of yesterday, and today I've just been hanging out in bed. So far, so good. I go to the doctor on Monday to change my dressings and hopefully get my drains taken out. I can't wait to see what I look like now! I have no idea what I'll be as far as size goes, but I can already tell that I'm much smaller (even underneath all the bandages and ace wraps).

I'll keep you all updated. As far as I can tell, the anesthesia didn't affect my MS symptoms much. My hands are a little more numb than usual, but that could be from a lot of things.

I think I may go take another nap now.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Glad to hear you are doing well!