April 26, 2010

It's a date!

So, I finally received my dates for my next Chicago trip. I'll be heading down May 23rd, and have a week of testing to include...

blood work, chest x-ray, sinus CT, pulmonary functions test, brain and c-spine MRI, MUGA scan, EKG, dental exam...etc, etc, etc.

This is basically a full systems check to make sure that, if I am in the treatment group, my body is in tip-top shape and will handle the chemotherapy and transplant. This will pretty much take up my whole first week there. Todd is coming with me this time, he'll arrive on Thursday night. We'll have the weekend to hang out, explore Chicago, probably meet up with some family of Todd's that lives in the area, and basically do whatever we want! This will be the longest that either of us have been away from Mason (he's staying with my parents) and I'm sure it will be hard on all 3 of us...but mostly Todd and I.

The second week is kind of boring, but it has the potential to change our life. On June 2nd I will be randomized. Basically some statistician who probably makes more money than I can imagine will plug a number into his/her little computer and determine if I'm in the control or the treatment group. It's a 50/50 shot. If I'm randomized to control, Todd and I both will come home June 3rd. If I'm randomized to treatment, Todd will come home June 3rd and I will stay in Chicago and start the process.

So, for now, that's what I know.

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