August 12, 2010


Happy Anniversary! What a jam-packed 4 years of marriage Todd and I have had. We have sold and bought a house,  bought, sold, and bought another boat, remodeled a kitchen and built a garage, finished our degrees, changed jobs, had some amazing adventures and travels, shared many, many joys, including our greatest source of joy, Mason, and held eachother through many sorrows and struggles.

I am so lucky to have an amazing, supportive, loving husband who makes me laugh and feel safe. He truly loves me just as I am, including all of my bitchy and crazy. And just when I think I can't possibly love him any more than I already do? I see him with our son and my heart just about bursts.

Ti amo con tutta l'anima!


Mariah's Mama said...

What a nice post. Congratulations and Belated Happy Anniversary to you and Todd.

(I haven't checked your blog in a while...that is why I posted so much today! Best to you and your family)

Mariah said...

4 years?? My how time flies. Well belated anniversary to one of the few marriages I look at and actually envy!

And send ass wipe my best, of course. :oP