January 4, 2009

Dinosaur brains

I got big ol' brains! Dinosaur brains! Ok, most of you won't understand this reference, but I know at least one person is probably laughing out loud (hi, Mariah). Anyway, the point is, my 'brains' is not working well lately. I'm so forgetful! I'm sure this has something to do with fatigue, but it's so frustrating. I usually consider myself a fairly smart, together person......but ever since Mason was born I can't seem to remember what I was doing 5 minutes ago!

Anyway, speaking of little M, he's doing much better. I have become a little OCD about taking his temperature, but other than that we have all recovered from our ER experience. And whatever virus or bug Mason had seems to have gone away, leaving us with a happy baby for most of the day. I say most because around 7 or 8pm every night he gets super fussy, which lasts until around 10pm most nights (sometimes longer).

It has been too cold here lately for us to do much outside of the house, but we did manage to go over to my parents yesterday for the afternoon. Todd's first day back at work was yesterday, and Mason and I both survived. Todd only worked half of his shift (12 hours instead of 24) so he was home at night with us. I was really looking forward to 9pm! I've definitely gotten used to having Todd home with me these last 6 weeks, it's going to take some adjusting having to do everything myself. He goes back tomorrow for the full shift, and I'm a little nervous, but I'm sure we will all do just fine.

Our proofs from our pictures we had done when Mason was 3 weeks old are ready. If you want to see them send me an email and I'll give you the password. They all turned out so great, it was hard to decide which ones we wanted to order!

That's about all for now, Mason is calling for me again :)


Mariah said...

Knock knock.

Who's there?

Trick or treat.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Mason is doing well and so are you!