January 1, 2009

Worst Night Ever

Mason has been having a low-grade temp on and off since last weekend. I think I mentioned in a previous post that we took him in to the pediatrician and were told it could either be a little cold or that he has colic. In the meantime, to add to my stress level, my mom had surgery, I had my MRI, the results from my MRI were pretty bad (a lot of new, active spots) which makes me have to do some serious decision making...all added to a fussy, possibly colicky 5 week old. Anyway, last night, Todd thought he should take Mason's temp, which we discovered was 101! I called the pediatrician's office, to be told to go to the ER. Ugh. So, we gave Mason some Tylenol and headed to the hospital. It was hard to believe he was sick because he was so perfectly happy. Laying on the gurney kicking and cooing away. From there, Mason got the full septic work-up. Nasal wash for influenza and RSV, blood drawn (which I had to do), cathed urine, chest x-ray (which I had to shoot)...all which were essentially normal. Then came the lumbar puncture. I had fought against this procedure, but after he was looked at by 3 ER docs and the on-call peds was consulted, they all said it was necessary. Luckily, his spinal fluid looked normal too (no meningitis). So, after all this, his fever was back down and he was exhausted, they figured it must be a virus, gave him two big antibiotic shots and sent us home.

I have never in my life been so stressed out, worried, scared...you name it! Add to that I fact that I had to switch back and forth between mom-mode and work-mode and back. Basically, I'm done! Poor Mason was so tired all night, and even still today...and so are Todd and I. I do have to say, it does pay sometimes to know people...between Todd and I, the whole ER, lab and x-ray departments knew us and Mason was treated extremely well. We follow up with the pediatrician tomorrow, but for now Mason's temp is still normal and he's busy catching up on some sleep.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Mason and you!
Get some sleep.

Mariah said...

Ick, sorry to hear your New Years suck so bad. My was sort of disappointing too, nothing like yours though. Who the hell were the techs that you had to take his x-ray and blood?? That's ridiculous...

And sorry I suck as a friend and didn't get you see you.