December 29, 2008

1st Christmas and other news

Mason's first Christmas was a busy day, but so will all his others, I'm sure. We did have a break in the afternoon that allowed for a good nap (for me, too). Christmas was also the day that Mason became a one month old, and with that milestone, I think we've also welcomed either his first cold or he officialy has colic. (We actually went to the doctor today after a long, screaming weekend. I hate to be "that" mother, but I would also hate to be missing something. Official word...not anything major, like illness/injury, could be a cold, could be colic...helpful, right?) In more exciting milestone news, Mason has started to smile real smiles. They are so cute, and can almost make me forget how awful all the screaming has been...almost!

Here's a couple pics from Christmas. Landon is showing more interest in his cousin every time he sees him, but this was the first time he actually got close enough to touch him. He was so fun to watch! Landon was really gentle, and seemed so amazed that this little creature (Mason) had a "button" (belly button) and hair and fingers....just like he has! They both also had shirts on that said "What Santa doesn't bring me...Grandma will!" Isn't that the truth!!!

In other news, my parents did manage to bribe Todd and I with a gift card on Saturday to get us out of the house for dinner. I think they were mostly just dying to babysit. It was hard to leave Mason, especially since he had been fussy all day and I was worried he was sick, but it was so nice to get out. I even had my first glass of wine! Mom had her surgery today to fix her Achille's tendon. Everything went well and she's home resting. I had my MRI today, without any Valium or Ativan I might add! My unofficial opinion is that it looks worse than my previous, but I'll have to wait and see what the radiologist says. More on that later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mason is adorable! Hope your MRI will have great results!

Have a happy new year!