April 10, 2011

This blog post brought to you by the letter C

I posted this on Twitter today, but needed to share it again. Mason and I would like to formally thank the makers of the movie Cars as well as the MacBook Pro for allowing Mommy the time this morning to shower, shave my legs, dry AND straighten my hair.

And as my shoe shopping BFF Amanda (yes, seriously, we have the same name, I'm not talking about myself) pointed out, only my child would be watching his movie with the laptop sitting on a shoebox.

I should probably clarify as well that in mine and Todd's bathroom, it's kind of a walk-in closet/bathroom combined so while he is sitting in the "closet" he wasn't in there alone. This is probably more important to me because I already feel slightly guilty that I plopped him in front of a movie. I swore I would never do that...and then I had a 2 year old and needed to shave my legs.

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