April 26, 2011

How time flies by

This year will be our fifth wedding anniversary. But before we get to that milestone, I'm always reminded that we lost Todd's parents in the months before our wedding. Today marks five years since Todd's dad died, and in July it will be five years since his mom's passing. I know I bitch sometimes, ok, maybe a lot, about Todd's family and how their family dynamic is so different than mine, but I can't help but wonder if it would be different if his parents were still alive. I can't imagine how awful it will be when I have to go through losing my parents, and I need to remember how blessed I am to have them around and have such a great relationship with them. It always makes me sad to think that Mason is missing out on getting to know his Grandpa Don and Grandma Pat. I hope they are both in a better place, as cliche as that sounds, and that they are at peace. I also hope they know they are loved, and missed, and thought of often.

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