April 30, 2011

A Little More Human

I have been sick all this week. It actually started a little over a week ago, just the scratchy throat feeling like my sinuses were acting up. Mason had been sick the week before, so I wasn't really surprised. Then on Monday at work, my voice started to crack and sound something like a 12 year old boy sounds like, and by Monday night it was pretty bad. Tuesday morning I woke up with no voice at all, but I actually didn't feel too terrible.

By Thursday when I still didn't have a voice, and was starting to feel like complete garbage, I went to the doctor. She put me on antibiotics, gave me some super strong cough syrup, and sent me on my way. Today is Saturday and I'm just barely starting to feel a little better. My voice is back, although it still sounds deep and nasally. I'm not sure if the antibiotics are doing anything yet or not, but they sure do make me feel sick to my stomach.

All I really want to do is stay in bed and sleep, maybe wake up long enough to catch up on some Real Housewives drama on Bravo. My reality, unfortunately, is that Todd is at work all weekend so I'm left at home with Mason. Luckily, he's been fun and happy...and he's of course thrilled when I let him watch a movie at night (little does he know it's actually for my own lazy benefit)...but he isn't very sensitive to the fact that Mommy feels like crap! He can always manage to make me smile, though, like earlier this week when he was rather interested with where Mommy's voice went, and tried to find it for me.

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