January 3, 2011

Another resolutions post

I am not normally one that makes resolutions. I mean, if I really want to do something or change something, I generally just do it. But there are a few things I have in mind for 2011...

1. I WILL get Mason potty trained. I know this isn't really up to me, but I would love for this to be accomplished sooner rather than later.

2. I really want to read more. I used to read all the time, and I really miss it. Of course, this will mean I'll need to stay up a little later, or maybe take less naps, but it will be worth it. When I worked at an orthopedic clinic it was so slow I would go through a book a week (on average), but now life is a little busier at both home and work, so reading has gotten pushed aside.

3. Of course, like everyone, I want to lose weight......this is kind of an ongoing goal.

4. Lastly, I want to work on accepting more help from people. I'm pretty bad at this, and I know this about me. Unfortunately, not letting people help leads to me being stressed and cranky, not to mention exhausted. I suppose along with letting people, and possibly even more important, is to work on asking people for what I need help with. Hmmm, maybe this resolution is doomed from the start.

I suppose that's it, unless something else comes to me. Good luck with all your resolutions, and wish me luck on mine.

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