January 9, 2011

Quick break

I'm sitting at Kaladi Brothers by TitleWave. Alone. It's crazy. Actually, I came here to get some work done for the UAA students who will be starting tomorrow, and my time is about up before I have to be home so Todd can go to volleyball. It's kind of a strange deja vu, being at a coffee shop with my laptop and a bunch of papers. It definitely makes me thankful I'm not in school! I can't imagine when I would find time for any homework...I can barely find an hour to get things ready for my job!! I definitely can't complain about having a quick break from being Mama, though.

I do have time for a quick story about Mason...I guess I don't really ever stop being Mama, do I? Anyway, he is really into Play-doh lately. He just loves it. For Christmas he got a new Play-doh toy that is a dog. We were playing with it the other evening and made the puppy mold, which he put into the bed. He then asked for a blanket for the puppy, so I flattened out some Play-doh for a blanket. Next thing I know, Mason is holding the puppy and rubbing his back, singing Twinkle Twinkle to him. It was so cute! I wished I had a video camera ready, but was only able to snap a couple quick pics with my phone.
Feeding the dog 
Rubbing puppy's back and singing Twinkle Twinkle

Close up of the puppy with his blanket on

Yesterday was also a big day in Mason's world. He got his haircut again, which means he gets a lollipop from the lady who does it. Then we went to the pet store to pick up dog food, and came home with a beta. So he has his own fishy now. He's pretty cute with it. He knows he isn't allowed to touch him, or the bowl. "Only eyes" he tells me. We also have to be sure to blow kisses to the fish and tell him night-night. That kid cracks me up!

1 comment:

Mariah's Mama said...

Watching little one's personalities develop is so fascinating...Mason really comes up with some wonderful phrases and observations! What a cutie...