July 6, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday 11

{one} what’s your favorite day of the week and why?
I would have to say Friday. It's my day off and Mason
goes to daycare, so even though it is usually full 
of chores to do, at least I get a little time to myself to do them

{two} if you could have a glimpse of your future, would you choose to see it and what time would you want to see?
I don't think I would want to know. I wouldn't want it to change
the decisions that I would make.

{three} if you could be any animal, which animal would you be?
A sea turtle. They are one of my favorite animals, and I 
think it would be amazing to be able to swim around
so easily and gracefully in the ocean.

{four} do you have a lucky number?
No, but I prefer even numbers to odd numbers. I know, 
it's weird, but, what can I say.

{five} if you could bring one famous person back from the dead, who would it be and why?
My mother-in-law. I really didn't get to know her very well
before she died, and I never got the chance to know her healthy.
 And I know Todd misses her very much.

{six} fill in the blank: peanut butter and ____________.
FLUFF with bananas!

{seven} would you rather live by the mountains or by the beach?
I guess technically, I live by both, although the beaches
here are not very "beachy". I would definitely say the beach.
I love being near water.

{eight} do you have any tattoos?
Yes. Five of them. Well, six if you count that my newest
one is a cover up of a little one I got in my early
twenties. Actually, that reminds me I never posted a pic of my 
newest ink...well, here is the before and after.

{nine} if you could retire tomorrow, what would you do?
First, I would sleep in tomorrow. But then I would 
probably be bored...and broke. I think I would 
actually  go back to school. 

{ten} what is your favorite all time movie?
That's tough. Garden State. 

1 comment:

nicole said...

Cool idea. I definitely wouldn't want see my future. Or I'd take a peak only if I could change suspicious things now. HMM I guess the question then is...why don't I start hacking away on those things that I can improve... now?

Thanks for the therapy!