July 20, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday 13

{one} do you always wear your seatbelt in the car?
Yes. Always. 

{two} do you crack your knuckles?
No. It kind of grosses me out. 

{three} what is your favorite flavor of gum?
Orbitz Sweet Mint or Bubble Mint

{four} what is your favorite piece of jewelry that you own?
My engagement/wedding ring.

{five} who is your best friend?

{six} what is your favorite smell?
Anything citrusy. And homemade sauce that has
been on the stove all day simmering.

{seven} what is your favorite lunch meat?
Turkey, but it has to be sliced very thin.

{eight} do you still have your tonsils?
No, they were removed along with my adenoids when I was about 4.

{nine} do you untie your shoes before you take them off?
90% of the time I wear Danskos, so no laces. 

{ten} what color is your car?

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