July 21, 2011

Where in the world is Papa?

My dad (aka Papa) is on a month long motorcycle trip. He and my Uncle Ken (who lives in Maine) have been doing some version of this for  years now...this time they're meeting in Sturgis, South Dakota (before the actual Sturgis event) and riding together from there. I don't know exactly where they will be because they don't know exactly where they will be, but I know for sure they're going down to Arizona to check out a retirement home for my aunt and uncle.

This is the first year that Mason has really been aware that Papa is gone, so I printed out a little North America map for us to mark on each night where Papa is sleeping. Since we don't always hear from Papa each night, I have a feeling I'll have to do some guessing along the way, but Mason won't really know any difference.

While my dad is gone my mom and my aunt are helping to cover "Papa daycare", mainly the mornings that I have to go to work at 7am and Todd isn't off until 9am. This morning was one of those mornings, and Mason had to show Nana his "Where is Papa?" map.

This is the star. That is our house.

This is the road where Papa is driving. 

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