October 17, 2008

Date Night

Tonight Todd and I were supposed to babysit our niece and nephew, but after an un-returned call to his sister, we figured it was safe to make other plans. Honestly I was half expecting a phone call saying she was dropping off the kids and where the heck were we...but that never happened. So our big, exciting Friday night consisted of Red Robin and my first trip to the new Target! Todd was less than excited when I suggested Target, but he's a good husband and went along with it.

There were SO many people there! We weren't even half-way around the store and I was totally annoyed with everyone, but I persevered for my love of Target. I have to admit that the prices weren't as good as I expected them to be, but I have to remind myself that this is Alaska, and everything is more expensive here. Of course, we didn't "need" anything, as Todd kept reminding me, so I didn't need the cart I was pushing, but I just knew something would come up. And, sure enough, it did. TOWELS! I've been complaining for months that we need new towels, and Todd really liked the towels that M & S had when we stayed with them in CO...which, lucky for me were from Target. So we have new towels, Halloween candy, a Halloween candy bowl, and shampoo/conditioner in a bigger container than they sell at Fred Meyer. And I bought some Sudafed to replenish our medicine cabinet after the cold I had.

Todd was right, though, even when you go to Target for nothing, you come out spending at least $100. Oh well, it was money well spent! I can't wait to go back, but next time I think I'll go alone so I can take my time shopping for all the things I don't need.


Mariah said...

Wow, Red Robin and Target in one night. You are a lucky lady. I love Target! I can't even imagine how crowded it must be though. The one by my place gets pretty crowded and I'm sure it's not even near new!

Amanda said...

I know, the exciting life I lead, right? I was pretty irritated about the whole babysitting thing, so we had to do something to get out of the house. I already need to go back to Target though.

Mariah said...

Okay, I'm banning myself from Target. Every time I go in there for something I leave with ten other things I don't need. I can't imagine how bad I'd be if I actually had a job.