October 5, 2008

Kleenex filled birthday

No, I'm not crying about my upcoming birthday, I'm sick. It's been a long time since I've had a cold, I don't really remember when the last time was actually. But, sure enough, everyone in the little space I'm confined to at work has been passing in around, and while I avoided it longer than most...it found me. And just in time for the big 2-9 on Wednesday.

The worst part is being pregnant and having a cold. You can't take anything for it! Oh, except regular Sudafed, and cough drops. Oh, Tylenol...so basically, as I was saying, you can't take anything for it. And since I already feel like I can't catch my breath 90% of the time, being all plugged up fills in that 10% that I had a glimmer of breathing normally.

Other than having a cold, things have been fairly boring around here. Todd's birthday was Tuesday, and of course he was at work. Thursday night Todd made dinner for me while I watched Sarah Palin stumble through her debate with Joe Biden. Last night we went to my parents house for a little joint birthday gathering. I know sometimes Todd thinks it's a little weird, but that's just because our families are so polar opposite on things like this. So, while he thinks it's weird that my family gets together and celebrates birthdays and such, I think it's weird that his doesn't even call each other half the time (no offense to any of the Loy/Moran family intended).

We also went to another childbirth class Friday. I was considering becoming a childbirth class drop out for most of the day before the class, and of course, Todd would have totally supported this, but we went anyway. It wasn't as bad as the first class. I left feeling a little more confident in my own ability to labor and give birth, although I'm still not 100% convinced that a c-section isn't the way to go.

Well, that's all for now. It's time to open another box of Kleenex.

1 comment:

Mariah said...

Well I'm not "pro-Halloween" - I'm simply figuring that I have to give in on a few things if I want a friend or two. I still have my reservations, trust me. ;o) Plus it helps being in a city where I don't have to worry about running into people I know (and don't want to see).

Now you're copying me! The past couple of years my body likes to get sick for birthdays, holidays, vacations, and such. I think that's why my immune system sucks now, from being stuck in that small space and there's always someone who's sick. My immune system is probably just tired from all of that...damn you Providence!!

It's funny what you said about the family thing. Erica and I would have that conversation all time...shoot we still do. Glad to hear classes are getting better. :o)