October 9, 2008

What's in a name?

A lot of people have asked how or why we picked the names we have for the new baby. Let me start by saying that is one difficult task! It was a little easier that we're having a boy. I kept saying early on in my pregnancy "he" whenever I talked about the baby (this was when I wasn't referring to him as "the Parasite"), so when we found out for sure it was a boy, there were already names being considered. And we seemed to agree faster on boy names than girl ones.

The middle name was easy. Todd's mom, who passed away in '06, was named Patricia, and so is my grandmother. Patrick was the easy way to honor both of these important women in our lives, and we both like the name. Patrick, for anyone into the meaning of names, means noble.

The first name was a little more difficult. I was so sick for the first 5 months that I joked often we were going to have to name the child Koehler after the toilet that he seemed so attracted to! We both love the name Mason. But I also love the name Gordon. Now before everyone starts snickering at Gordon, it would have also honored people in our families. Todd's dad, who also passed away in '06 had Gordon as his middle name, and my grandfather is also a Gordon. Todd couldn't get on-board with Gordon, fearing a lifetime of teasing and being called "Gord-o" was ahead for the little guy. So Mason, meaning (duh) stoneworker, it is.

Mason Patrick Loy. Not bad, if I do say so myself.

1 comment:

Mariah said...

Yeah, I knew I guy in HS who's last name was Gordon and we called him Gord-o all the time...

I'm just glad you're not doing the whole Jr. thing. No offense to anyone who has or may want to do that...