December 6, 2008

Baby Firsts

Mason had his first trip to Target on Thursday. I know, this isn't exactly a baby milestone noted in any baby book or calendar, but to me it was a momentous event. He of course slept through the entire experience. Before the Target trip, Todd and I took Mason to my grandparents house. They hadn't seen him since he was born, and it's easier for us to go to them. After the great grandparent visit, we drove out to Target. I pushed the stroller and Todd had the cart, and for the first time in my entire life of loving Target, I didn't buy a single thing there for me!

Yesterday Todd dropped Mason and I off at my mom's house for a while so he could go Christmas shopping. We ended up staying a lot longer than we planned, but it is so nice to get out of the house sometimes.

I should really be writing a paper now. I have one last paper I need to write for my advanced patient care class. It's a 4 week class that started the week before Mason was born. My goal was to finish it all before he got here, but with all the kidney stones and pre-term labor, that didn't happen. I did get 3 of the 4 papers done, which I'm grateful for now. I keep telling Todd he should write it for me, but I think I need to forget that dream and get writing!

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