December 3, 2008

Granny to the rescue

Last night my mom stayed the night with us. We put Mason's bassinette in the guest room with her and she brought him to me when he needed to nurse. It was WONDERFUL! Todd got a pretty much full-night of sleep and I was only awake long enough for Mason's feedings. Of course, all the nights before last night Mason was up every hour to hour and a half and then would have a crazy stretch from 2am til 5 or 6am that he was wide awake and had no interest in sleeping. Needless to say, Todd and I were already exhausted and the kid is only a week old! So, Granny to the rescue...and of course Mason slept great last night, usually 2+ hours at a time, and had no long stretch of being awake and/or fussy. Now my only question is...will he do this tonight? Not likely, I'm sure.

Anyway, thanks, Mom! You're a life-saver!!!

1 comment:

HippieDiva said...

How awesome that she was able to help you out like that!