December 23, 2008

Silver white winters that melt into spring...

...these are a few of my favorite things!

Today Mason is 4 weeks old and I thought I'd share a few of the things he and I have come to love! Here are our top six...

Mason LOVES music! Well, Mason loves any noise...even the vacuum, ice maker, and humidifier. So this was a smart purchase for the nursery, especially late at night when we're trying to get him back to sleep. He prefers female voices, Eva Cassidy, Norah Jones, but he also is a fan of Jack Johnson and the Garden State/Last Kiss soundtracks. My voice also works really well, but Todd is tired of the songs I sing to Mason getting stuck in his head.

I haven't ever actually seen this show, but we have all started to call the nights that Nana has spent the night "Nanny (or Nana) 911". My mom has been so wonderful, and Mason loves when she comes over to spend the night with him...not to mention how much Todd and I love the extra sleep we get when she comes over! Todd gets pretty much a full night, and all I have to do is wake up when my mom brings Mason in for feedings. It's great!!!

The dogs. Ok, technically this is probably two things, but we're grouping them together. It has been so amazing watching the dogs investigate the new addition to the house, and now that Mason is a little more alert, he's been checking them out too.

These pics were taken with Todd's iPhone, so they aren't the greatest quality, but you get the idea.

Mason LOVES going for rides in the car. He may not always love getting into the carseat, but once he's in and we're ready to go, he's a happy baby.

The boppy. This has been one of the best gifts! It's perfect for feedings, playing, tummy time...every mom and baby should have one of these.

Nap time! This is a new favorite of mine as well. While I still have to laugh at all the people who say "sleep when the baby sleeps" - it is true, if you can manage to do it! Mason, however, has no problem napping...especially when it's on mom or dad!


Anonymous said...

He is a cutie!! Got your Christmas card today, very nice! Thank you!

Have a wonderful holiday!


Mariah said...

Wow, he's only four weeks old and he already has better taste in music than most people I've met. ;o)

Anonymous said...

Okay - I was "googling" to find your new address so I could send Mason a Christmas present and came across your site :). The pictures are great! and the messages are fun too - although as the only Republican in this family I do feel somewhat of an outcast!! :). Also, as a survivor of 3 abdominal surgeries I can tell you that you may be numb forever in spots, but the pain does eventually go away. My last major surgery was 3 years ago and I'm still very numb. Mason is so cute and the hair reminds me of Todd so much. I remember clearly the day Todd was born and he looked a lot like Mason. Merry Christmas to all of you! Love Aunt Cindy

Dori said...

Granny Hois and I just received your Christmas card. What wonderful news. Granny says he looks like your dad but I think he is beautiful.

Love Aunt Doe

PS I think your blog if fantastic.
I will keep looking